Serum Of RejuvenationA serum of rejuvenation provides a quick boost of energy. The primary effects of drinking a serum of rejuvenation occur instantaneously, with a secondary effect lasting for 1 hour.SerumsSerums are vials of magic liquid that you can imbibe as a standard action or carefully trickle down the throat of a helpless or unconscious creature as a full action. Serums are normally 1 ounce of liquid (though it is possible to make serums with larger volumes, these are no more effective than standard serums), and lose potency if they are mixed with any other material. A serum can be used only once. Regardless of a serum’s actual item level, all serum vials have their hardness and Hit Points calculated as if they were 1st-level items. Source Starfinder Enhanced pg. 169 Level 3; Price 260; Bulk —DescriptionWhen you drink a mk 1 serum of rejuvenation, you restore 1d8 Stamina Points. For 1 hour after drinking this serum, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws to avoid becoming fatigued or exhausted. Source Starfinder Enhanced pg. 169 Level 6; Price 675; Bulk —DescriptionWhen you drink a mk 2 serum of rejuvenation, you restore 3d8 Stamina Points. Additionally, if you’re currently suffering from the fatigued condition when you drink this serum, and the effect allows a saving throw to negate, you can immediately attempt a new saving throw against that affect. For 1 hour after drinking this serum, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws to avoid becoming fatigued or exhausted.Source Starfinder Enhanced pg. 169 Level 10; Price 2,680; Bulk —DescriptionWhen you drink a mk 3 serum of rejuvenation, you restore 5d8 Stamina Points. Additionally, if you currently have the fatigued or exhausted condition when you drink this serum, and the effect allows a saving throw to negate, you can immediately attempt a new saving throw against that effect. For 1 hour after drinking this serum, you gain a +3 circumstance bonus to saving throws to avoid becoming fatigued or exhausted.Source Starfinder Enhanced pg. 169 Level 16; Price 26,000; Bulk —DescriptionWhen you drink a mk 4serum of rejuvenation, you restore 9d8 Stamina Points. For 1 hour after drinking this serum, you become immune to the fatigued and exhausted conditions. If you already have one of these conditions when you drink this serum, you ignore those conditions for the serum’s duration. The duration of the serum counts against the duration of the original effect.