Source Starfinder #16: The Blind City pg. 53 Level 5; Price 3,050; Bulk 1DescriptionWhile it is rare, some adventurers claim that exposing a null-space
chamber to powerful teleportation magic (such as plane
shift) can result in an unusual metallic growth appearing
within the chamber. Scholars have yet to determine the true
nature of these anomalies, which they call null-space tumors.
A null-space tumor seems to have no obvious use or purpose,
and merchants might sell you a null-space chamber with one
inside without realizing it. The listed price and level is for a mk
1 null-space chamber with a null-space tumor inside; rumors
persist that larger and more disruptive null-space tumors
exist. A null-space tumor has 1 bulk and can’t be permanently
removed from its associated chamber. You can’t purposefully
call up a null-space tumor from its chamber, but each time
you call up another item from the chamber, there is a 20%
chance that the null-space tumor appears instead. When that
happens, the tumor’s unusual properties randomly cause one
of the following effects (roll 1d8 to determine the effect), after
which the null-space tumor immediately teleports itself back
into the chamber. The only way to destroy a null-space tumor
is to destroy the null-space chamber it’s attached to.
D8 | Effect |
1 | You and all your gear become invisible for 1d4+1 rounds,
but you move as if through a thick soup; your speed is
reduced to 10 feet during this time. |
2 | Duplicates appear around you, as if you were affected
by the spell mirror image for 1d4 minutes. However, you
see doubles of every creature and object, meaning you
have a 50% miss chance to attack a creature and a 50%
chance to waste your action when you try to pick up or
manipulate an object. |
3 | You gain the benefits of comprehend languages
for 1 hour, but anything you write down or type on
a computer during this time instantly vanishes as
per erase. |
4 | You gain the benefits of keen senses for 10 minutes, but
you take a –2 penalty to saving throws against sensedependent
effects during this time. |
5 | The tumor produces a wisp ally (as per the spell of the
same name) that lasts for 1d4+1 rounds, but you don’t
control it. The wisp ally chooses its targets and effect
randomly. |
6 | You instantly regain 1d6 Stamina Points, but lose the
same number of Hit Points. If you have all your Stamina
Points, you instead belch a ring of iridescent smoke. |
7 | The next weapon you touch is affected as per
supercharge weapon, but it immediately gains the
broken condition after it is used to attack. You must
touch a weapon within 1 minute or lose this ability. |
8 | You gain a small degree of telepathy and can detect
thoughts (as per the spell of the same name) for the
next 5 minutes. However, your idealized self-image
appears 15 feet away from you, as per a 1st-level
casting of holographic image, and you have no control
over this image. |